Tax Compliance & Planning Services in Cornwall

We offer detailed expertise across a wide range of accountancy disciplines combines with a conscientious, personal approach in Cornwall

A wise man once said two things in life are certain: death and taxes and whilst we are yet come up with the solution to immortality we can certainly help with your taxes. Our wide array of services covering everything from income tax and capital gains to VAT and corporation tax can help give you back the feeling of control.

Whether you simply want to know how much tax you owe or would like to discuss methods of optimisation our team can help. Take a look at what we can help with.

Self Assessment Tax Returns

Whilst self-assessment is seen by many as a pure a compliance exercise in order to keep the tax man away, our team of experts have transformed the dreaded tax return into a truly value adding exercise.

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Corporation Tax Returns

No longer does Corporation Tax need to be seen as a pure a compliance exercise, keeping the tax man at bay. Our team of experts have transformed this with our wide array of value added activities.

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Our experts will work with you to not only complete your P11Ds, but provide invaluable advice on how to incentivise employees through employee benefits without increasing their tax liability.

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Trust Returns

A trust can be an invaluable way of managing assets (money, investments, land & buildings) and as you expect HMRC require a annual trust and estate tax return to be filled.

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Capital Gains Tax Compliance

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax on the profits made when you sell or dispose of an asset, such as property and investments. These disposals should be reported to HMRC along with the correct tax being paid.

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Capital Gains Tax Planning

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax on the profits made when you sell or dispose of an asset, such as property and investments. These disposals should be reported to HMRC along with the correct tax being paid.

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Income and Remuneration Planning

Income or Remuneration planning refers to the process of proactively designing a compensation structure for you and / or your employees in order to achieve your objectives, whilst saving you money.

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Year End Tax Planning

Year-end tax planning is crucial for all business. Not only does the exercise seek to mitigate tax by ensuring all relevant opportunities are taken up, it also helps with the wider planning of the business including cashflow.

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Tax Planning

When you engage with us, mitigating tax is inevitable and we can proudly say that on average we save our clients more tax (personal, trust or corporate ) than our accountancy fees.

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Pre-Year End Planning Meetings

Our pre year end planning meetings are a real game changer for any business looking to make important strategic decisions in preparation of the end of their financial year.

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Capital Allowance Reviews

Capital allowances are a form of tax relief for businesses. They allow you to deduct some or all of the value of a capital item from your profits before you pay tax. Capital allowance review ensure you are maximising these deductions.

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Research and Development (R&D)

R&D tax credits can be a valuable source of tax relief for companies engaged in qualifying R&D activities such as investing or discovering new ways to improve their existing products and services.

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AML Group Testimonials


AML does not disappoint! First class service, first class people and a several hundred-pound tax saving to boot.
Ann Sinfield


AML has worked with Trelawney Care to identify optimising strategies to improve financial input and to streamline the processes of transferring data from manual input to IT programme input. AML has brought a holistic approach to Trelawney Care, identifying financial savings that can be achieved and for costs both in time and money to be lowered increasing financial outcomes. Their knowledge goes beyond financial planning and encompasses IT solutions and cost savings to the company, enhancing profitability.
Tish - Director of Trelawney Care Ltd


AML have been nothing short of amazing. Their custom spreadsheet packages have transformed our systems and procedures whilst drastically improving productivity and staff satisfaction all round. Highly recommended for any business looking to improve.
Lorraine - Personnel Manager
